Everen T. Brown

Everen T. Brown is the creator/photographer/narrator of the 360° World Atlas project. His travels have taken him over two million miles to bring the Atlas to life. Everen photographs all that he sees, for life is meant to be lived in 360 degrees!

Joe DeRenzo

Joe is our infrastructure and pano-software guru. He has programmed thousands of 360° Atlas pages and lent his photographic expertise, sound editing and web design knowledge to the 360º project.

Brian Yeaman

Brian makes the impossible possible! He is responsible for many different facets of the 360° Atlas, from UX, stitching images, production workflows, image library, map design and art direction. He has been with the project since the beginning and is dedicated to its success.

Jansen Gunderson

Jansen Gunderson is our programmer extraordinaire. Helping us navigate the designs, answering our questions and solving issues along the way. He is the owner of Inlight Media and a photographer as well!